Project Update

 Stalking Awareness Week

At the end of last month the Student Wellbeing Centre took part in National Stalking Awareness Week, which this year ran from the 16th – 20th April. During the week we spent four days out around campus, raising awareness and handing out information on stalking and how students can report this to the University. On the Thursday we were also joined by Lincolnshire Police, who were able to give students some information on how the police can support anyone who is experiencing stalking. If you would like some more information on stalking, you should visit the Suzy Lamplugh Trust website here.


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Staff Bystander Module

The staff Bystander Module, ‘Preventing and Tackling Sexual Misconduct’, is now live. We would encourage all staff at the University to complete the module, which can be accessed by going to the Organisational Development area of the HR portal, selecting Online Resources and then Other Online Courses. If you would like to know more about bystander intervention and why the module is based on it, you can read more here.


Project Article

An account of the project was recently featured in the University’s new journal, IMPact. You can read the paper, ‘Building Respect and Changing Cultures in the University Community’: An Account of Research in Progress’, and other contributions to the journal here.