

Building Respect and Changing Cultures in the University Community is a one year HEFCE project which is based in the Student Wellbeing Centre. The project was created in response to the Universities UK Report ‘Changing the culture: Report of the Universities UK Taskforce examining violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students’, and aims to develop a cross-institution approach for prevention and response to sexual violence and harassment on campus.

The project is centred around two key objectives; to design and implement bystander intervention programmes for our staff and students, and to create a clear and accessible online reporting system for those who experience sexual violence whilst at university. Alongside this, we will be running campaigns across the campus throughout the year.

Academic staff, Students’ Union representatives and specialist external agencies will be providing advice, monitoring our alignment with research and regional priorities, and giving insight into how the project is impacting on our staff and students. To facilitate this input, an Advisory Board will meet three times during the academic year.

We will be collecting data on the number of staff and students who access the bystander intervention programmes and online reporting system so that we can review the impact of the project across the university. We will also be conducting surveys and focus groups with students to assess the current cultures and perceptions on campus. The findings from each of these will be disseminated through relevant University governance committees, as well as Lincolnshire’s Sexual Violence and Abuse Delivery Group (SVDG) and the Association of Managers of Student Services in Higher Education (AMOSSHE) more widely.

Beyond the funding period, the principles and recommendations from the project will be embedded into existing policy and key training areas for staff and students. You can keep up to date on all activities relating to the project by following our dedicated blog.


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